If you're dealing with an active email leak and need to find the source quickly and discretely, this guide is designed to help you maximize your usage of EchoMark. Note: this article assumes you have an Enterprise account with Workspace or Exchange email integration already enabled.
1. Start a new email
Using the email account you intend to send your final message from, navigate to the Mail tab in EchoMark. Then press New to create a new message draft.
2. Add content to your message
Add a subject, body, and email on the to-line. We recommend that you choose a an email address for a smaller group to first test this message and verify that your system configuration is correct.
3. Adjust your marking options
Choose the Settings button in the upper right.
4. Adjust message marking options
Ensure that AI Rephrasing is turned On, and that Footnote is turned Off in the Message tab. If you need to find an active leak source, you'll want to avoid alerting them with a footnote.
5. Adjust attachment marking options
Choose the Attachments tab in the dialog and ensure Footnote is turned Off. Then press Save to exit Mark options.
6. Attach a PDF
If your message requires a file, you can attach one by choosing Attach a file from the lower left of the message draft screen.
7. Start rephrasing with final content
Ensure that your content is finalized before proceeding, then press Review & Send. When you select rephrasing options in the following screens, those selections will be saved with the draft, but rephrasing selections will be lost if your message content is changed and causes rephrasing to be regenerated.
8. Review and approve phrase variations
The Approve phrase variations dialog allows you to check that each AI-generated phrase has its meaning retained. You can navigate through each of the phrases using the arrows in the bottom right. You'll want to ensure that your message contains enough sentences and phrase variations that your total number of message variations, displayed in the upper left, far exceeds your email recipient group size. Each recipient of your message will get a random set of phrase variations, so more sentences with more variations can increase the chance that you'll find the leaker.
As you navigate through each phrase, you'll see the option to disable phrase variations that you don't want to use. You can choose Don't alter this phrase if you need a given phrase to be identical for all recipients (e.g. a company motto that should be the same no matter who sees it).
9. Move on to final review
Once you've reviewed all phrases and you're ready to send, press Done to proceed to the final review.
10. Send your message to the test group
The Review and Send dialog shows you a sample of the final message as it might appear to someone on the recipient list, including rephrased sentences and invisible watermarks. When you're confident your message is ready, press Send.
11. Verify that your message arrived successfully
At this point, you can validate that everything is set up and working correctly by checking in with anyone on the recipient list to see if they got a rephrased message. You should also see the message in the sent tab within the EchoMark app.
12. Add your final audience
Assuming everything worked correctly in the previous steps, you're now ready to send the message to your final audience. From the Sent Mail tab in the EchoMark app, hover over the message you just sent in the list and choose ... > Send to more people.
13. Send the message to your final audience
In the Send to more people dialog, add your final recipient group to the to-line. When you're ready, press Send.
14. All set!
You can now wait for your email to be delivered to your final audience. If it leaks, you can use our leak investigation tools to track the source.